Friday, March 3, 2017

Keeping A Daily Drawing Journal

This last week we had our granddaughters for a week. It is a week I look forward to all year long. We had a great time with them going to the Point Arena Lighthouse and exploring the Fort Bragg area.  Our early morning walks on the beach had me wanting to paint, so when I came home I join a sketchbook journaling workshop through FB.  It has motivated me to paint each morning so the following are my first few days . . ..
Day 1:

Day 2:  Beach Treasures found . . . . inspired by Dion Dior

Then this morning I was inspired by a Susan Branch cookbook . . .love  her little vignettes.

Day 3:   Morning Glories my favorite flower . . . .

Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:

Day 8:

Then we traveled to Yosemite National Park and I had fun taking a some time to create:

I will continue the posting, because I was reminded if you want to succeed at the dream, you have
 to work at it everyday . . . . put in the time.  Be creative everyday!

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